Saturday, June 13, 2009

13 Jam di KL....

salam....lame tak mengupdate blog yg amat.... 13 jam di kl..hmm.....ape aku buat kat kl?? actually that is first stop before continue my journey with my friend to a places.heheh....many places.....memandangkan cuti agak lame aku decide untuk jalan2 cari pengalaman...cari pengetahuan..cari kenalan... sedikit foto-foto semasa aku kat kl....agak bosan aku shoot sorang2 nih...tapi tak pe...aku enjoy!
KLCC...nape org suke shoot bangunan nih??

KLCC on refelction

KLCC lagi...argh.....reflection on the pool

mat bangla nih ngulor...member dier tgh wat kije..die tido.wakaka

photog student from local collage

gelagat di klcc...

org arab dtg malaysia sibuk nok gi arab.....mcm2...

krisis identiti aku rase...

syuk sharkawi.....penat aku tunggu!

[this is not's just time for me to rest my head]


NazzNazza June 25, 2009 at 10:37 AM  

ermmm...beh nyeee...nk join lor...hehehe...

p.u.a.d June 25, 2009 at 11:50 PM  

tunggu time i turun kl lagi.


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